Sunday, January 15, 2012

Korea website plans to establish information safety headquarters continuously by hacker attack

Official of ele the best selling resealable bags ctric Korea department of defense disclosed Beijing of China News Service 9 days on July 9, will hold water on January 1 at next year " information safety headquarters " , in order to defend the national network safety of Korea. Meanwhile, korea encounters the hacker is atttacked the 3rd day continuously, bring about many home website to break down.

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According to the newest report of Han couplet company, the official Jin Zaimin that the department of defense is in charge of this project (transliteration, kim Jae-min) says, next year of information safety headquarters w most popular selling dearfoam slipper as established in January, predicting next year can produce effect completely in July. Jin Zaimin says, the detailed situation of information safety headquarters will study inside this year, once hold water, will make exercisable defense plan.

Korea plans the year's harvest of 2 0 just a little to establish information safety headquarters formerly, because Korea assaulted incident recently repeatedly by the hacker,the plan is ahead of schedule now.

Before this successive two days, the experience of main orgnaization website of Korea and United States is distributed decline a service (DDoS) attack, the national office such as courtyard of the green made of baked clay stage of Korea, congress, national condition and department of defense, reach financial, media and firewall enterprise website to encounter the hacker makes a surprise attack.

According to latest news, began at 6 o'clock 9 days afternoon, ministry of have trade relations of Korea congress, department of defense, diplomacy, " Korea daily " the website that waits for an orgnaization cannot be opened for a time, or open career extremely slow. National information courtyard and national bank website began to cannot be visited at 6 o'clock. Institute of the Zhu that bring wise man and website of the U.S. Army that be stationed in Han also appear the phenomenon with not stable join.

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Nationa resealable bags l condition courtyard is chaired before this held correspond by room of green made of b dearfoam slipper best buy aked clay stage, premier, broadcast 12 branches suc the most popular hans wilhelm h as committee of ministry of have trade relations of committee, department of defense, diplomacy, finance attend " network safety works co most popular selling hans wilhelm dearfoam slipper size mmittee " . 9 days, korea government again urgent hold relevant section second official meeting. Room of presiding Korea state prime minister grows Quan Taixin to say: "This the network assaults incident, the incident that brings about a network to break down through virus with the past is different, it is the attack of pair of Korea systems, it is minatory Korea provokes action safely. ... the government must consider from national secur the best selling hans wilhelm ity angle, make network security the way to deal with a situation. Make network security the way to deal with a situation..

Courtyard of Korea national condition also emphasizes, "This incident may not be the pure assault incident that the individual carries out, specific organization or national classics rigor prepare and carry out however. " branch of safety of Korea matters pertaining to defense alleges all the time, korea has network battle unit to atttack the martial network of Korea and United St dearfoam slippers ates technically.

So far, korea and United States still did not make clear conclusion to hacker origin. Official of American department of defense ever showed 8 days, the abet of behind the curtain that the hacker atttacks is Korea. " Korea pioneer signs up for " 9 days report, the company of computer security software of this locality of a Korea thinks, hacker attack may come from a certain place of American.

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