Sunday, January 15, 2012

Indian army with in cling to it is fictitious enemy to intensify drilling country war (group plan)

Oriental net on July 2 message: Below the foot of a mountain range, commander of an India army looks up looking up at h dearfoam slippers ad given orders aloud with respect to the soldiers of everybody each: "Good, begin flying fox! (Flying Fo dearfoam slipper size x, the mountain-climbing skill) of a kind of exceeding danger! " in the command make known to lower levels counts second hind, a soldier began to show him to make acrobatics actor blush with shame " flying fox " movement. This soldier holds string in the hand, double foot leaves the ground, head over heels rushs quickly to the ground. When contacting the ground with respect to shortly general, he halted the trend of free falling body abruptly with the cord in the hand. In whole process, this soldier must be in 3 seconds in finish successfully from the 50 height to 60 meters safety lands, a bit differs a pool to be able to cause deadly loss.

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Sign up for 30 days of reports according to Indian forum, this is Indian army only one of a series of training activities in country war drilling, its purpose is imprinting at control not onl the best selling hans wilhelm y cling to the Himalayas arteries and veins near control line, in still depending on commanding a follow, imprint border land is actual the Himalayas arteries and veins of control line. Before 10 years, india ever tried to drive the most popular resealable bags out the Pakistani from these country go out, but because Indian soldier had not undertaken enough country drilling, got bitter lesson so.

The report says, as a result of Indian army senior commander thinks in cling to reduce its deploy impossibly to be in the army of border land, so branch of Indian national defence had established two new country division. The report recommends quarter at is in the Kaerjier of Kashmir (the word of the Sushenlei Kazhuoruier of division commander of division of the 8th country of Kargil) area says: "Be in before long in the future, country war will become very important. " and, the report still points out, except manpower, delasi - Kajier - the army of Batalik area be stationed still obtained such as to shovel snow car to wait for equipment.

The report says, now, indian army is in 21000 feet mountain range area has height above sea level country war drilling. Those who traverse is the mountain range that be continuous, glacial and rapid river, it is India blocks Jill to fight the school (Kargil Battle School, establish after conflicting 1999) the one part that trains course. All deploy arrive Delasi - Kajier - the Indian soldier of Batalik area must be in those who reach this area before a few training is accepted inside week. In fact, during the Afgha resealable bags for clothes nistan about 6 years ago conflicts U.S. Army and Indian army ever were here accept training, this is this area abrupt mountain range and the environment that organize dearfoam slipper sears provinc most popular selling hans wilhelm e of border land of pilot Afghanistan northwest by Taliban are very similar.

Er of Indian card auspicious fights a dearfoam slippers for women young major general explanation weighs the school: "Flying fox " skill is one of training that Indian army needs to accept, the main component that ensures to train related the wounded survival. For can the soldier that convoy gets hurt in the war overshoots a river, army soldier was accepted use a rope to build the training that sets the bridge that can resealable bags for flights carry litter. Want to be in a few minutes only in, soldiers can convoy the wounded crosses a river. Before, this one process needs to count the time of the hour. In the backtrack process of other form, indian soldier can carry wounded companion on the shoulder, send its below the help of the rope next downhill. In addition, indian army still is in Gumage (other and technical hilly area was established to train the school near Gulmarg) . (Compile: Spring breeze)

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